Monday, 16 April 2012


This girl is just an effervescent bundle of pure talent and loveliness, seriously.
There isn't a thing about her that I don't admire nor envy, she is Sweet with a capitol S and just all round wonderful.
I'm making this post because I think her lovely art needs to be strewn around as much as possible until the whole world has seen it sprinkling down upon them like a shower of confetti.
I have maybe somewhat stalkerishly watched her artworks blossom over the last few years, and I still watch as they continue to bloom along with her beautiful self.
I even have one of my own that sits proudly on my bookshelf in my bedroom.
These are just a few of her amazing little masterpieces, so feast your hungry eyes upon them!

To see more of Ruby's super talent, you can go to her tumblr, like her Ruby&Wolf Facebook Page
or if you're feeling super generous you can go HERE!!! and LIKE the photo of her artwork so she can win the Groovin The Moo Tee design! (pictured below!)
 Because I think it's fairly evident that she deserves it.
Love xx
(All Photographs/artworks are copyright to Ruby&Wolf)

hello there!

I know, I know, I have hardly been posting enough on this blog whatsoever!
My schedule has been jam packed and I have been super stressed and unmotivated and uninspired for weeks on end. I'm making this quick post to give this blog a little nurturing and to tell you; Yes, I am alive.
I am also doing a 30 day health challenge. '30 Days to Healthy.'
I am not treating this like a diet, it is simply to make me feel better inside and out and flush away the toxic waste I have been drowning my body in of late.
There's seriously nothing better than feeling clean, fresh and alive and eating healthy always makes you feel like that.
So here's the link to my 30 day challenge blog .
Feel free to follow, stalk or just peek to see what it's all about. I will be posting every day and keeping you up to date with my food and how I am feeling. Love to you all! xx