Absolutely in love with Dane Lovett's works. I'm not sure if it's because they're just generally simply amazing, or if it's because they spark a strange sort of nostalgia within me. It's probably a bit of both, but either way, he is one super talented fellow.
Saturday, 10 November 2012
Thursday, 6 September 2012
I am the epitome of confusion. A biscuit purpose built to crumble. I put myself back together every time but there’s always something a little bit wrong or obscure when I’m whole again.
Monday, 3 September 2012
Perfection, I do believe.
Disposable happy snaps of moments I could relive over and over and people that I'm going to love forever.
Memories that will now live on forever on cheap prints nestled into plastic sleeve beds side by side in photo album houses. My heart will fill and glow and burst with happiness and an overload of other feelings whenever I look at these. Forever, always, perfect.
disposable photos,
Saturday, 1 September 2012
When you were young.
Sorry for the overload of posts today but considering I scarcely ever post here any more, I don't think it'll matter too much, really.
I don't know what's going on with my mind! I am in a crazed daze of feelings and emotions I either have never felt before or had forgotten existed. There's just something about some people and the things that they do. I realise none of this dribble probably makes any sense but what's the point in dribble that is easy to understand?
I thought I'd share with you some pictures of the yesteryear, lol. But in all seriousness they're all pictures of me when I was young. I love old photos. There's nothing better than looking through books of old, faded photographs of times you either remember and cherish or don't remember at all. Nostalgia is probably one of my favourite things ever. Love and jazz, my brain is a fizzled pot of overladen everything. x
I often refrain from posting overly personal things on this blog because I feel as if I am tainting it.
Maybe that's what I'm doing now; maybe it's not.
All I know is that I feel like I have to tell you all that things are changing so very much in my life.
So many things have gone and so many things are coming.
And I really don't think I'm so scared any more.
Maybe that's what I'm doing now; maybe it's not.
All I know is that I feel like I have to tell you all that things are changing so very much in my life.
So many things have gone and so many things are coming.
And I really don't think I'm so scared any more.
Glorious days with glorious people
Glorious memories made on glorious days with glorious people
Glorious feelings are made during glorious times
Glorious is a glorious word
Glorious is how I feel
Glorious memories made on glorious days with glorious people
Glorious feelings are made during glorious times
Glorious is a glorious word
Glorious is how I feel
Where is my mind?
I could lift the high a littler higher
lead the trains of wander through the fire
your heart will carry your mind far and wide and leave any
controlled thoughts or rationality behind
for who needs sensibility when you have love and eyes
as glassy and wide as the ocean
your heart will beat and fly and you will follow
for in reality, you really have nothing better to do...
lead the trains of wander through the fire
your heart will carry your mind far and wide and leave any
controlled thoughts or rationality behind
for who needs sensibility when you have love and eyes
as glassy and wide as the ocean
your heart will beat and fly and you will follow
for in reality, you really have nothing better to do...
Saturday, 25 August 2012
You make me happy
Would you be mine?
Would you be my baby tonight?
Could be kissing my fruit punch lips in the bright sunshine
'Cause I like you quite a lot,
Everything you got
Don't you know? It's you that I adore
Though I make the boys fall like dominoes
Everything is positively wonderful right now. Even though so many things are going on. Even though everything is chaotic. Melancholy days of nostalgic feelings and super hyped up moods. Everything will be okay.
Monday, 20 August 2012
Yesterday two lovely friends and I packed our mini sandwiches, caramel tarts, strawberries and soft drink into the car and bundled off to the water side for a picnic, complete with my retro esky and tartan picnic blanket.
A happy day always make everything momentarily better. You can drown out sad feelings with cheap wine but nothing makes your heart glow like laughing and eating with the people who you're closest too.
I need to spend more time with friends.
A happy day always make everything momentarily better. You can drown out sad feelings with cheap wine but nothing makes your heart glow like laughing and eating with the people who you're closest too.
I need to spend more time with friends.
Thursday, 21 June 2012
A little piece of me
So, in regards to the last post about sketching up tattoo ideas (Yes, I know, it's been way too long between posts AGAIN, but, I am here, rejoice!)
I thought I'd share my first colour sketch of my idea with you!
However, when it comes down to me actually getting the tattoo, I don't know if I'd opt for colour or go with classic old black and grey. I love both, but on me I'm not sure.
I'd love any opinions or ideas thrown my way, also. Of course, it needs refining, fixing, and redoing several times over but you get the gist. Love love.
Quick update on my life; Things are amazing, I have fallen in love over again, I am on turn of self discovery and I am happy as a chip with a french fry on a blazing summers day by the beach.
I hope you're all lovely.
Thursday, 31 May 2012
So, as you may or may not have worked out I love tattoos.
No, not because they're so 'in' right now or becoming so popular and more accepted (More accepted is a good thing, though!), or anything along those lines. I have just always loved them.
Growing up, Dad had tattoos. When I was little I'd sit in bed with Mum & Dad in the morning while they drank their coffee and I would constantly be playing with the tattoos Dad has on his stomach, that go around to his back. He has 'Space', or some sort of solar system, Stars & Planets and lights of all different colours swirling around his torso. I used to run my fingers over them and look at them whenever I got the chance, they were just so fascinating to me. Permanent art on a human body, it doesn't come out, it's permanent. It stays there forever, it's a part of you. It tells your stories, makes you who you are. I love art, in any form, and having your own personal piece of art etched into your skin has always been an amazing concept to me.
Now, I'm also an extremely indecisive person. When it comes to anything. What I'm going to eat, drink, do, wear, you get the drift. So when it comes to tattoo ideas, I'm constantly changing my mind. I've had all sorts of ideas over he last few years (Some I am very glad I did not act upon!) but always wanted to wait until I was older and ready. Okay, so I'm 18, which isn't 'old' but I'm certainly a little more aware of what I want and who I am than I was when I was say, 14-16.
Over the past few months I have been probably more obsessed with tattoos than ever. My obsession with them is sort of crazy. So was my mission to find something 'perfect' or 'super meaningful'. I've looked at countless, countless amounts of tattoos, types, photos, trawled through tattoo blogs, read numerous magazines, spoken to several people and still, always left feeling like nothing was quite 'right'.
& In the matter of about half an hour last night, I had a sort of brainwave.
I was looking too hard, I was looking for something 'me' that wasn't going to be out there, because no-one else is me. So I thought, not too hard, about what I like. About the ideas that have been niggling in my mind for a few weeks. I pushed away all the cliché ideas that are constantly suggested to me when I'm talking about wanting a tattoo, like Dream-catchers, Feathers, Inspirational quotes and sayings, which are pretty, but are sickly popular these days and are become the next overdone cliché tattoo ideas sitting up high near Southern Cross tattoos and the like. Not saying they're in the same category, dream catchers and quotes can be pretty, but they're EVERYWHERE these days. I want something different. & that is difficult, considering so many people have tattoos in this day and age and having similar tattoos to at least several other people in the world is inevitable.
So last night, I just came up with my own idea. No-one else will have my tattoo, because I'm drawing it. I don't know where exactly the idea came from, my brain just vomited out of my fingers and I've started creating something I actually really, really like. All down to the shape and contents. Of course I'm going to have to sketch it out several times before it's perfect, and I won't be getting it for a while considering it'll probably cost a fair amount, but I love it. It's mine, it's me. I'm not going to describe it in extreme detail, just give you a general gist of the idea. I picked Tiger Lily flowers, Roses, Leaves, Swirls, Three Bees, encasing (not in a circle, in an odd shape) a bluebird, sitting on a small branch. Birds & Flowers are very popular tattoos, yes. But this is different, has approval of my uncle who's getting into tattooing and is very anti-cliché everything. I chose the bluebird because they represent things like happiness, joy, and embracing the happiness within you, (and several other said things), I chose Lilies and Roses because they're two of my favourite types of flowers when it comes to appearance, Lilies are said symbolise things such as purity, beauty, spirituality & unions, and Roses are about beauty and love. Not only that, my two little cousins are Lily and Ruby Rose. I read somewhere that Bees represent family, so the three bees are for Mum, Dad, and my Brother. But apart from all the somewhat corny meanings within the tattoo I have designed, I just love flowers, I love bluebirds, I love bees, I love pretty things, I love art, I love tattoos, and I love the way my idea has come out on paper. So I think this is it. HAZAAR!
No, not because they're so 'in' right now or becoming so popular and more accepted (More accepted is a good thing, though!), or anything along those lines. I have just always loved them.
Growing up, Dad had tattoos. When I was little I'd sit in bed with Mum & Dad in the morning while they drank their coffee and I would constantly be playing with the tattoos Dad has on his stomach, that go around to his back. He has 'Space', or some sort of solar system, Stars & Planets and lights of all different colours swirling around his torso. I used to run my fingers over them and look at them whenever I got the chance, they were just so fascinating to me. Permanent art on a human body, it doesn't come out, it's permanent. It stays there forever, it's a part of you. It tells your stories, makes you who you are. I love art, in any form, and having your own personal piece of art etched into your skin has always been an amazing concept to me.
Now, I'm also an extremely indecisive person. When it comes to anything. What I'm going to eat, drink, do, wear, you get the drift. So when it comes to tattoo ideas, I'm constantly changing my mind. I've had all sorts of ideas over he last few years (Some I am very glad I did not act upon!) but always wanted to wait until I was older and ready. Okay, so I'm 18, which isn't 'old' but I'm certainly a little more aware of what I want and who I am than I was when I was say, 14-16.
Over the past few months I have been probably more obsessed with tattoos than ever. My obsession with them is sort of crazy. So was my mission to find something 'perfect' or 'super meaningful'. I've looked at countless, countless amounts of tattoos, types, photos, trawled through tattoo blogs, read numerous magazines, spoken to several people and still, always left feeling like nothing was quite 'right'.
& In the matter of about half an hour last night, I had a sort of brainwave.
I was looking too hard, I was looking for something 'me' that wasn't going to be out there, because no-one else is me. So I thought, not too hard, about what I like. About the ideas that have been niggling in my mind for a few weeks. I pushed away all the cliché ideas that are constantly suggested to me when I'm talking about wanting a tattoo, like Dream-catchers, Feathers, Inspirational quotes and sayings, which are pretty, but are sickly popular these days and are become the next overdone cliché tattoo ideas sitting up high near Southern Cross tattoos and the like. Not saying they're in the same category, dream catchers and quotes can be pretty, but they're EVERYWHERE these days. I want something different. & that is difficult, considering so many people have tattoos in this day and age and having similar tattoos to at least several other people in the world is inevitable.
So last night, I just came up with my own idea. No-one else will have my tattoo, because I'm drawing it. I don't know where exactly the idea came from, my brain just vomited out of my fingers and I've started creating something I actually really, really like. All down to the shape and contents. Of course I'm going to have to sketch it out several times before it's perfect, and I won't be getting it for a while considering it'll probably cost a fair amount, but I love it. It's mine, it's me. I'm not going to describe it in extreme detail, just give you a general gist of the idea. I picked Tiger Lily flowers, Roses, Leaves, Swirls, Three Bees, encasing (not in a circle, in an odd shape) a bluebird, sitting on a small branch. Birds & Flowers are very popular tattoos, yes. But this is different, has approval of my uncle who's getting into tattooing and is very anti-cliché everything. I chose the bluebird because they represent things like happiness, joy, and embracing the happiness within you, (and several other said things), I chose Lilies and Roses because they're two of my favourite types of flowers when it comes to appearance, Lilies are said symbolise things such as purity, beauty, spirituality & unions, and Roses are about beauty and love. Not only that, my two little cousins are Lily and Ruby Rose. I read somewhere that Bees represent family, so the three bees are for Mum, Dad, and my Brother. But apart from all the somewhat corny meanings within the tattoo I have designed, I just love flowers, I love bluebirds, I love bees, I love pretty things, I love art, I love tattoos, and I love the way my idea has come out on paper. So I think this is it. HAZAAR!
Monday, 28 May 2012
Good morning fellow bloggers!
It is indeed a very lazy Autumn day once again today, the sky is mottled grey and the wind is keeping each leaf and branch busy blowing around in every which direction. It is rather cold outside, the airs cool and somewhat damp, I think we're going to get some rain, unfortunately.
Luckily I'm cooped up inside with the fireplace burning, and Guns 'N' Roses are playing super loudly!
I spent yesterday lounging around doing pretty much nothing for the entirety of the day, and I am determined to have an at least slightly more productive day than that today.
All this cold weather makes me want hot freshly made soups and breads and winter casseroles. Warm food is so comforting on so many levels when the weather is cold.
So, this picture is totally irrelevant to anything previously mentioned in this post but I had to share it with you because I think the artwork is so beautiful and the tattoo is so whimsical and lovely that it makes me glow on the inside. Yes, I do get that excited over well done tattoos. When I get a piece of art inked into my skin one day, I hope it turns out as magical as something like this.
I hope you're all having a wonderful week, no matter what you're doing, and that you're keeping your toes toasty warm!
Saturday, 19 May 2012
This-morning after looking at my friends newly made Pinterest page, I decided I'd give it a whirl too.
I'd contemplated it before, but wasn't entirely sure how it worked.
Now I have a pinterest, and it is super easy, and SUPER addictive!
Yikes, just another tool spawned for distracting me, ha ha.
But really, it's so great. So simple, so cute. I am sure I will become sucked in and have many-a-pin-board within the next few months.
Follow me if you wish: http://pinterest.com/eleutheromania/
I don't like to make this page too personal but I thought you should know I've had a lot of bad things going on in my life lately. Particularly with the one I love the most. Things have crumbled right down into a pile, but that has only made me ever so determined to fix everything.
I have to take a hold of the reins and lead my own way, because I am the only one who can fix myself and this situation/my life/everything.
Anyway, yesterday Samuel and I went on a little date, as such.
We'd been camping and after a morning of watching friends fishing & wandering around rich, fancy housing estates we headed off home in search of lunch that wasn't too overpriced like the things we'd found in that particular town. We roadtripped home, sang old songs loudly, held hands in the car and danced. Sort of like some species of emu...
Then we pulled into the Bowling Alley when we got back to Kempsey, and ordered a Works Burger (for me) & some chips for him and a Mars Bar milkshake each. Then we played an arcade racing game against each other, and for the first time in my life I won and fluffy toy out of a skill-tester! I was literally that excited, I thought the claw was just going to drop it, and it didn't, and I may have done a little up&down happy jump when I grabbed it out of the machine. Then we went and ate our food by the river in the sun, and he wiped sauce off of my chin and we smiled and got sunburnt and it was all happy.
Anyway, it was really sweet and I'm definitely making sure there's many more cute dates to happen within the future months.
I'd contemplated it before, but wasn't entirely sure how it worked.
Now I have a pinterest, and it is super easy, and SUPER addictive!
Yikes, just another tool spawned for distracting me, ha ha.
But really, it's so great. So simple, so cute. I am sure I will become sucked in and have many-a-pin-board within the next few months.
Follow me if you wish: http://pinterest.com/eleutheromania/
I don't like to make this page too personal but I thought you should know I've had a lot of bad things going on in my life lately. Particularly with the one I love the most. Things have crumbled right down into a pile, but that has only made me ever so determined to fix everything.
I have to take a hold of the reins and lead my own way, because I am the only one who can fix myself and this situation/my life/everything.
Anyway, yesterday Samuel and I went on a little date, as such.
We'd been camping and after a morning of watching friends fishing & wandering around rich, fancy housing estates we headed off home in search of lunch that wasn't too overpriced like the things we'd found in that particular town. We roadtripped home, sang old songs loudly, held hands in the car and danced. Sort of like some species of emu...
Then we pulled into the Bowling Alley when we got back to Kempsey, and ordered a Works Burger (for me) & some chips for him and a Mars Bar milkshake each. Then we played an arcade racing game against each other, and for the first time in my life I won and fluffy toy out of a skill-tester! I was literally that excited, I thought the claw was just going to drop it, and it didn't, and I may have done a little up&down happy jump when I grabbed it out of the machine. Then we went and ate our food by the river in the sun, and he wiped sauce off of my chin and we smiled and got sunburnt and it was all happy.
Anyway, it was really sweet and I'm definitely making sure there's many more cute dates to happen within the future months.
On the road
Everyone loves pringles!
Thursday, 10 May 2012
Days of May.
I went outside into the sun and took some photos. Impulse out of boredom and a longing for something a wee bit creative. I feel like they reflect what I feel today, I'm not quite sure what it is, but here you go.
Wednesday, 9 May 2012
It's one of those beautiful Autumn days where the sun's shining and the air is full of warmth until you walk into the shade and the air's pooling with coolness. The sky's bluer than blue and the air's still. I suppose these photographs somewhat simulate the feelings I get from this kind of day. I hope you're all having a lovely, happy day. x
Monday, 16 April 2012
This girl is just an effervescent bundle of pure talent and loveliness, seriously.
There isn't a thing about her that I don't admire nor envy, she is Sweet with a capitol S and just all round wonderful.
I'm making this post because I think her lovely art needs to be strewn around as much as possible until the whole world has seen it sprinkling down upon them like a shower of confetti.
I have maybe somewhat stalkerishly watched her artworks blossom over the last few years, and I still watch as they continue to bloom along with her beautiful self.
I even have one of my own that sits proudly on my bookshelf in my bedroom.
These are just a few of her amazing little masterpieces, so feast your hungry eyes upon them!
To see more of Ruby's super talent, you can go to her tumblr, like her Ruby&Wolf Facebook Page,
or if you're feeling super generous you can go HERE!!! and LIKE the photo of her artwork so she can win the Groovin The Moo Tee design! (pictured below!)
Because I think it's fairly evident that she deserves it.
Love xx(All Photographs/artworks are copyright to Ruby&Wolf)

hello there!
I know, I know, I have hardly been posting enough on this blog whatsoever!
My schedule has been jam packed and I have been super stressed and unmotivated and uninspired for weeks on end. I'm making this quick post to give this blog a little nurturing and to tell you; Yes, I am alive.
I am also doing a 30 day health challenge. '30 Days to Healthy.'
I am not treating this like a diet, it is simply to make me feel better inside and out and flush away the toxic waste I have been drowning my body in of late.
There's seriously nothing better than feeling clean, fresh and alive and eating healthy always makes you feel like that.
So here's the link to my 30 day challenge blog .
Feel free to follow, stalk or just peek to see what it's all about. I will be posting every day and keeping you up to date with my food and how I am feeling. Love to you all! xx
My schedule has been jam packed and I have been super stressed and unmotivated and uninspired for weeks on end. I'm making this quick post to give this blog a little nurturing and to tell you; Yes, I am alive.
I am also doing a 30 day health challenge. '30 Days to Healthy.'
I am not treating this like a diet, it is simply to make me feel better inside and out and flush away the toxic waste I have been drowning my body in of late.
There's seriously nothing better than feeling clean, fresh and alive and eating healthy always makes you feel like that.
So here's the link to my 30 day challenge blog .
Feel free to follow, stalk or just peek to see what it's all about. I will be posting every day and keeping you up to date with my food and how I am feeling. Love to you all! xx
Tuesday, 27 March 2012
Papillionaire Vintage Bikes
A classic^
A Sommer ^
Super Chic Classic ^
Sommer bike in 'Fest' colour. If you gave me this bike I would make you the biggest cake in the world.
That colour and that basket, Squeeee!
It's a helmet that looks like a watermelon, what more do I have to say!?
This sunflower bell just makes my heart glow.
A pizza bell. With the Lot!
Papillionaire Vintage Bicycles are a Melbourne based company that design new and absolutely flipping lovely Dutch style vintage bikes.
I will admit I am not much of a bike rider myself, apart from the occasional trip down my road when I have nothing else to do; However, if I owned one of these babies I think I would be riding it absolutely everywhere!!
There are two stunning timeless designs to choose from, 'Classic' and 'Sommer'.
You can choose which style you want, then choose a colour scheme, and customise it to your liking. Not to mention they stock some super cute accessories (like the few I shared above) on the website. So if you're into bikes, or just lovely things in general, you should most definitely pay the site a visit!
Personally I do prefer the 'Sommer' style bike, it makes me want to ride around the seaside in the city with bare feet and a straw hat until I am exhausted and then I would stop and rest under a tree and enjoy an ice-cream or lemonade. Gosh, I wish.
I will admit I am not much of a bike rider myself, apart from the occasional trip down my road when I have nothing else to do; However, if I owned one of these babies I think I would be riding it absolutely everywhere!!
There are two stunning timeless designs to choose from, 'Classic' and 'Sommer'.
You can choose which style you want, then choose a colour scheme, and customise it to your liking. Not to mention they stock some super cute accessories (like the few I shared above) on the website. So if you're into bikes, or just lovely things in general, you should most definitely pay the site a visit!
Personally I do prefer the 'Sommer' style bike, it makes me want to ride around the seaside in the city with bare feet and a straw hat until I am exhausted and then I would stop and rest under a tree and enjoy an ice-cream or lemonade. Gosh, I wish.
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